check, format and display HTML source
Open html source (.htm or .html files) in your editor. Press <CTRL>+A to select the complete file. Now press <CTRL>+C to copy the selected source into your ClipBoard. Right-click the 'yellow crawler icon' from the toolbar and select check and format HTML code from clipboard.
The source will be displayed as file beautify.html formatted and including Tool&Task comments.
Please understand, these comments need not be errors! There is a discrepancy between the W3C description of the corresponding tag for HTML4. Following these rules Tool&Task, as an example, finds a parameter for a tag which is not listed in this excellent collection and informs you by a HTML comment. We are aware, that quite a few parameters are perfectly understood by each browser - but nevertheless, they are not officially listed.
We have a list of parameters not to mention in our comments. If you find such an entry, just mail the corresponding line and we have something to add to our list. After the next update of Tool&Task the comment should not be included any more.
The program beautify_html.prg has been changed a lot in the last years since Tool&Task user reported formatting errors. The more people use the routine, the more constructions will show up which were not experienced before. We appreciate any listings of false or misleading output of this beautify_html.prg
Since we do not change the source in your .html file and only produce a new file (<gUserDataTT>temp\beautify.html), any false rendering is not a problem and you decide if you want to overwrite the formatted source.
If you want to finally solve a problem in a page, upload your HTML to a HTML validator. This is correct! Tool&Task may have an error.
On the other hand, when you see the procedure crawl my homepage you will certainly agree, it was not a worthless to invest time into an offline HTML checker.
Any discussion is very welcome and a HTML expert who is willing to help designing a new HTML5 beautifier, even more.