Prerequisites to run Tool&Task
The programs checks whether it is there or not:
The Tool&Task dll's are compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017® and you need a runtime library to load these programs. Since other programs also use this redistributable package, it might be already on your computer. The packages come free of charge from Microsoft® and you can download it using the following links:
download vc_redist.x86.exe
download vc_redist.x64.exe
if you want to get these Microsoft links with more explanation from a Microsoft page, use this link. Please do not forget to install the software by clicking the downloaded files.
If the runtime dlls are not installed, Tool&Task will not start and display the error that the 32 bit dll homer.dll cannot be loaded. There is more explanation in verbose mode described at the bottom of this page.
If you are using a 64 bit Windows® OS, please download and install both, for a 32 Bit computer, the first link is sufficient.
Screen Resolution
The minimum screen resolution is 1024 * 768 pixels. If your screen is smaller, buttons might not be usable. Most forms are designed at a resolution of 1000 * 570 pixels and may be expanded.
Disc space
The program directory of Tool&Task comprises less than 100 MB. The <gUserDataTT> less than 10 MB after initial setup. The growth depends on the data you acquire during use.
Processor, Memory
The program was tested on an Intel® Pentium® M 2 GHz processor, 1 GB RAM. The more the better; it should not be much less!
Window® OS
We used Tool&Task on XP and above up to Windows® 11.