form m_longmess
This form is used, whenever a long message (more than two lines) is displayed. (compare with m_mess)
Since some of these messages are formatted lines, the form opens its edit field (where the text is displayed) using the font Courier new. A button Arial can be used to switch the font.
If the message displayed need discussion, click the Email button and m_email opens. The annex of this Email is the text displayed in m_longmess. Add your information to this Email and the distance to the desktop of a Tool&Task Team member is a mouse click.
If you want to print the text or save it, double click the edit field and you got the message in the editor of your choice (see m_sysdef).
In some cases, m_longmess receives a link with the message which might be helpful to understand it. One button is named link and you have access to the topic by clicking this button
If m_longmess just displays an information for you, take the ok button to close it. If the message is a question, just answer it by clicking yes or no