form m_perspass
To protect your personal information, there is a password. The restriction on this password is: minimum 3, maximum 20 characters
Please enter and repeat your password. You may set the entry field to normal display or exchange characters by '*'
The password should take the whole range of printable characters. Copy and paste is not allowed for reentering the password. If you had misspelled the password in the first line, the same error would be nested in the second line and you might not be able to reproduce this error.
The complexity of the password is your decision. You know what grade of security is needed on your computer. Change your password, whenever you think it is necessary.
The password reminder can be changed whenever you want. It is a good aid to prevent a one password for all programs approach.
Please make sure e.g. using this reminder, to remember the password. If you do not remember it, you will not be able to access your personal info form m_personal.
If you cannot remember the password, you may reset it to be able to enter a new password. In this case, the current registration of your Tool&Task name will be lost.
Right-click on check password to reset the current password.