function tt_browse()
This Tool&Task function receives either the name of a .html or .htm file and opens it in the browser you selected to use in m_sysdef or a HTML-string which is copied to the file <gUserDataTT>temp\showhtml.html. When a string is transferred and saved to file, this file is shown in the browser.
The example is from the CodePage Viewer m_codepage (double click on the HTML-codes of the Unicode-character)
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* Tool&Task example program * | |
* tt_browse() * | |
* last compile: 19.02.2022 * | |
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*PARAMETERS teststr |
&& the function within m_codepage |
teststr = "&Euro;" | |
s = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset='utf-8'>" | |
s = s + "</head><body>" | |
s = s + "<h2>" + teststr + "</h2>" | |
s = s + "<h2>testing HTML code: &" + SUBSTR(teststr, 2) + "</h2>" | |
s = s + "<p>Internet Browser : " + ALLTRIM(defines.dibrowse) + "</p>" | |
s = s + "<p style='color:blue;font-size:144px'> "+teststr+"</p>" | |
s = s + "</body></html>" | |
tt_browse(s) |