Tool&Task What is it?
Since we provided an IT system (SAM = Sales and Marketing) to 2 internationally trading companies, there were often request for a piece of software to automate solutions for only one or two employees and since they were often changed or expanded but only installed on single work stations it was better not to include them into SAM and risk errors which might influence the work of a much larger group of people. Hence we used to build a little frame and included the task.
We learned that some integrated data transfer systems like FTP, SQL or TCP/IP were often used and hence, repeatedly put into different systems.
In 2009 the new idea was to have a common system and just add specific solutions as requested.
We named this program Tool&Task and with the years added an update system, a couple of help files and a registration system.
Meanwhile there are certainly quite a few procedures available in Tool&Task which could be used by many people. This is why we start now, in autumn 2021 to publish more information about the system. Try it, would be great to welcome you!